
As detailed on the home page, development is now being carried out by the community; this page is being preserved for posterity.

Please note that the files listed below are now stored temporarily in the AGRIP folder on Dropbox whilst we move our hosting and development services. The links below will be broken for now, but you can still get the files from the Dropbox folder.

This section explains how you can download AudioQuake. Before we link to the files, however, please be aware of the following important notices.


A number of different setup files are available depending on your system. For Linux users, the choices are fairly self-explanatory. For Windows users, please bear the following in mind.

Notes for Windows Users

File List

Please note that we've had to move the location of all of the files (on 20/03/2010) so the installers will now no longer look in the right place for the data files. They can now be found at the releases data directory and we suggest that you download them manually.

Releases for each platform (Mac, Linux and Windows) and then source code releases are given in groups below. At the end you can find links to archived releases, which may be of interest.

If you want to create levels you'll need to get the Level Description Language (LDL) too, from the LDL page.


Latest release:

Most of these are experimental and feedback would be appreciated on how it works on your version of Mac OS X and wheter you have a PowerPC or an Intel Mac.


Latest Release:


Latest release:

Source Code

Source code is available; please visit the AGRIP Hackers Launchpad group and read the development manual on the documentation site for more information. Again, please read the section on Community, Support and Bugs for information on how to get the most out of the game, its community and to help improve it for others.

Archived Releases

Out of interest, you may wish to visit the release archive to view older releases of AudioQuake (formerly AccessibleQuake and very formerly released in packages labelled simply "AGRIP"). The current releases are always pointed to by links in the current release directory.